Chief Martin Elechi, the state governor, through his works and transport commissioner, Dr. Paul Okorie, highlighted that his government is collaborating with private investors to execute this project, which is anticipated to drive commercial motorcyclists (okada operators) out of the state capital before the end of this February.
According to Elechi’s government, with the introduction of the taxis in the state, the issue of motorcycle operators and the dangers associated with the operation such as robbery and frequent accidents would sort themselves out naturally.
The government added that the taxi business would be private-driven, as the government would not be directly involved in procuring the vehicles for people. And Governor Elechi is of the opinion that the policy would add to the improvement of the living standard of the people.
KlinReports thinks that, although this air-conditioned taxi cab project is not a bad one, it is particularly outlandish in the case of Ebonyi state. Unless senility has set in, the 70 year old Governor Elechi ought to know that this project is a misplaced priority.
It is either the septuagenarian governor knows this much, or that he is being hoodwinked by some smart business guys lurking around to squander the common wealth of Ebonyi people hiding under such a phony project. It could still be an avenue through which the Elechis have chosen to further plunder the salt state of Ebonyi, especially, for fear of being easily found out by operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
There are obvious points to make here: Most of the roads in Abakiliki metropolis are impassable. Sophisticated agriculture is crying for government’s attention. There is no pipe-borne water for the people, neither do they enjoy regular supply of electricity, nor do they live in decent houses just to mention but a few.
Why, then, does Governor Elechi think that procurement of air-conditioned cars should be the priority of his government- at a time when 60 percent of indigenes of the state cannot afford two square meals a day? At a time when, due to lack of adequate medical facilities, the people of the state are dying of guinea worm diseases?
One of the arguments for the project is that it would help reduce accidents and robbery incidents. Haba! Who says air-conditioned cars cannot be involved in accidents? If the motorcycles are being used for robberies, hasn’t Governor Elechi seen where air-conditioned jeeps were used to rob and kill?
Enough of this deceit! Elechi should tell the actual story of the so-called air-conditioned cabs; for KlinReports is of the opinion that this is a smokescreen for squandering the funds of the state.
www.icheoku.com says, what a great commentary on a stupid and misguided project! imagine airconditioned taxis in abakiliki of all places? for what, one would ask? to carry all those ntezi farmers or what? you aptly called it for what it is - the demetia of old age. martin elechi, i really do not have word for you other than to say, you are such a dumb senile old man to be a governor. priority, priority, priority. why fight with okada people since they are already providing adequate services for the people; instead of complimenting them, the government is seeking to substitute them? cry thy beloved ebonyi state. one other thing, did martin elechi also make provision in his state's budget on how to help the ntezi people pay for the cab rides?
Your comment reads an ignorant, other Igbo bigot who still lives in the notion that Abankaleke (Abakaliki) people are inferior or less intelligent Igbo people.
You sound so ignorant that you refer to the whole of Ebonyi people or those that live in Abankaleke metropolis as "Ntezi people". Well, this rings a bell to me as a derogatory term which a typical other Igbo idiot would use on Abankaleke people.
Ntezhi in the first place is not even in Abankaleke town let alone the people of Ntezhi being known as farmers. Ntezhi is a small town between Izhiamgbo (Ezzamgbo) and Ezillo.
To blindly use the term Ntezhi to qualify the entire Abankaleke people is an indication of the level of disrespect you hold for the people of Abankaleke.
Ignorant other Igbos like you is part of the core problems of Ndu Igbo. With ignorant and divisive idiots like you Igbo people in Nigeria will remain individualised, divided and backward despite being some of the most industrious individuals in the world.
Your likes are a curse to Ali Igbo!
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