Nigeria was snubbed by the G20 because of your ineptitude and lack of leadership; which has forced Nigeria once again into the doldrums in the international arena? Even the ignoble Obasanjo did well to project Nigeria through his assertive years in power. But you are such a weakling, that even your demands are always ignored by such little tiny countries, like Guinea Bissau and Madagascar? You did not win the presidency in the first place, so we understood your tepidity that far; but since becoming legitimized by the Supreme court, no other excuse suffices for your continuing aloofness in actual governance of Nigeria. Also it has now been demonstrated several times over, that you are clueless on how to move the country forward; and nobody knows if this your inability to govern is by reason of your indisposition, caused by your yet to be disclosed debilitating illness? Now, you have in addition, lost the world's confidence as Nigeria's president! So the question is, what use is your remaining in Aso Rock to Nigeria? Our verdict, NONE! So take a bow and make your exit!
Icheoku learnt that you were wondering why the exclusion of Nigeria from the G20 and ask you, to wonder no more; as you are the sole reason why Nigeria was so humiliated, excluded from the world's best twenty's gathering in London. Action has consequences and so it is that, nobody wants any further continuing relationship with a corrupt, thieving, 419, election rigging and imposed leadership country? Nigeria has no clout or credibility left in the international community to warrant her associationship with their best? When Icheoku warned of the Ostrich that buries its head in the sand-syndrome of many a Nigerian leadership, it was our candid apposite assessment of the situation in Nigeria. Today, it is official as Nigeria has, by necessary implication, been declared a pariah-state by those countries that matter in world? Even Turkey, India, Brazil and South Africa made it to the G20 to the utter chagrin of Nigeria? Now, tell Icheoku who is that proud Nigerian left, in view of the lowest rock-bottom ranking Nigeria now occupies in the international arena; necessitating its exclusion from the G20? President Umaru Yar'Adua's leadership is not leading at all and should step aside, and make way for a better patriot to mount the saddle in Nigeria! Enough of this crawling go-slow of a government led by President Umaru Yar'Adua!
Nigeria's absence at the just ended 2009 world economic summit in London says a lot, the real world has passed their verdict on Nigeria:- they cannot continue to deal with a corruption-shielding and incubating, incompetent, election-cheating, leadership in Nigeria? Based on above premises, Icheoku says it is about time you left the presidency? Your resignation is therefore the proper thing to do and also our collective wish, no, demand! President Umaru Yar'Adua, please throw in the towel; remove yourself from clogging up the wheel of progress of Nigeria so that things may move forward once again! President Umaru Yar'Adua, please read the hand-writing on the wall, QUIT NOW!
Culled from: www.icheoku.com
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