Re-branding Nigeria will not work when there are speculations about removing petroleum subsidy which will invariably increase the prices of petroleum products. This action will certainly worsen the hard times faced by Nigerians. Poverty rate will increase. More so the Nigerian Labour Congress has threatened to go on strike should the federal government go ahead and deregulate the downstream petroleum sector. This is not the time to remove the petroleum subsidy at least for the sake of this global economic downturn.
At this period of great global economic recession, what Nigerians would need is a concrete plan of action that will put food on their tables. Government should have been telling Nigerians concrete/practical efforts to create employment. You cannot re-brand Nigeria when there are more hungry men in the land. Am sure the federal government incurred some financial costs in organizing the re-branding campaign. This is another wasted resources in the face of grave unemployment ravaging the population.
The first step towards re-branding Nigeria should have been to properly reform the electoral system so that credible leaders can win elections. You cannot re-brand Nigeria with the same present politicians in power. You cannot give what you don't have, so how can the present politicians re-brand Nigeria when they have not re-branded themselves. The present federal government headed by Yar'Adua cannot re-brand because of credibility problem. No wonder Nigerians are not too surprised at the way he is treating the electoral reform project.
Let's remember that Mr. President on his last sallah message to Nigerians reconfirmed that his administration was committed to electoral reforms, so that we can have peaceful and transparent elections in the country. But his recent actions concerning the Justice Uwais report on electoral reforms have suggested otherwise. The president and his men appear to have doctored the Justice Uwais recommendations. Nigerians are carefully watching. Former Nigerian Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari had already accused President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua's administration of double standard. Many Nigerians have equally voiced their concerns over the attempt by the federal government to jettison the most important aspects of the Uwais report.
If the federal government is sincere about re-branding, they should put Nigeria on the right track by tackling official corruption, pass the freedom of information bill into law, improve the power supply, genuinely reform the electoral process, remove the immunity clauses, introduce transparency in governance etc. With these actions Nigeria will re-brand by itself. Action speaks louder then voices. Lets your deeds speak for you Mr. President. Launching the re-brand Nigeria campaign might be meaningless without the above.
Scripted by: Chinedu Vincent Akuta
An activist based in Leicester-UK
1 comment:
Action speaks louder than words. What are they (Akunyili and co) re-banding? Re-banding the corrupt government, or re-banding the dilapidated infrastructure. Madame Minister of re-banding, your energy should be towards the people that you swore to serve. It should be towards making sure that the common telecommunication system we currently have works. It should be making sure that every community have the basic need of survival such as light, shelter, assess to good education, assess to medical facilities. If you want to re-band Nigeria starts by making people feel save to walk on the street at anytime. You and the rest of the corrupt government official have no idea what the common man go through everyday. You have an escort service that ensures that you never get stuck in traffic. You have constant light supply in your numerous residences. You have assess to the best hospitals in the world, while some people are still dying of some communicable diseases that have being eradicated in other countries. Your children have assess to the best education money can buy. Mind you the money in question belong to the people you all swore to serve. Wake up and do the right time. Stop coining new slogans just to look like you are doing sometime. Pick one thing and try to fix it. A word is enough for the wise.
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